It's been a brrrrrrrrrright and chilllly day here chez Casa Reynard. Perishing early doors with a really hard frost, but not quite as bone-chilling during the day as yesterday on account of the breeze having dropped.
Slept ok-ish for half the night, then kept waking up. Had a bit of a lie in. Morning's chores included re-jigging the fridge in the utility room and kitchen, and now that my friend has taken her share of the turkey, see what could be further banished to the freezer. That included two packs of smoked basa and a pack of sausages. So basically, other than some brie (which I am letting ripen first), everything that needed to go into the freezer is now in there. I also used my newly-acquired sticky labels to label the jars of cranberry sauce that made the other day.
Had a luncheon of toast, smoked salmon pate, extrawurst, abondances cheese, fruit and a cuppa before donning some extra base layers and heading off outside to do a spot of lumberjilling. Carried on clearing up that downed ash tree that I'd been working on last week. I have a heaped trailer full of logs, and there's only the main stem left and a pile of stuff that's in the 1 to 2 inch range that wants trimming before hauling back. Warmly wrapped up, it was lovely out there, and I appreciated the couple of hours' worth of exercise.
Now relaxing by the fire with a nice