Mundane News

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W i n d y. Rain ceased so had a trex to the Co-op which was only slightly busy having two unused self service tills. A bag of oranges, mobile app coupon made them £1.10, was all needed today so no chaos of the big shops to suffer. The mobile apps 12th day offer yesterday was a free bag of chocolate coins but none to be found.
Return was where the effect of the wind was felt coming to a standstill at one point followed by a bit of backward walking.
Noticed the local bus had returned to its normal electric ones. They charge up at the bus station via a pantograph dropping down onto them. More pantographs have been installed for a fleet of double deckers due to enter service in the new year. Early on Thursday one of the new pantographs dropped uncommanded and resulted in an existing double decker getting a smashed upper deck front window. Result was none of the pantographs were being used for the rest of Thursday and all day yesterday.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Photo Winner
If anyone was thinking of using the A47 near Norwich.. Don't bother..



Christmas 2024 will be the first Christmas i have not bought myself anything to open on the morning.Could not be ar++d.Two weeks ago i was full of cheer and looking forward to it.Today lets just get it out of the way.My joy will come seeing my two kids,we are having a big family get together ,i know what they are getting :hyper::dance::snowball:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I have my bah humbug hat on, I may wear it for a while.


Vice Admiral
Two days here, because we celebrate Christmas Eve here chez Casa Reynard.

Celebrations here have been pared back to be a lot less faffy compared to when I was little. We're teetotal here, so no alcohol needs acquiring, but I do take advantage of the seasonal offers on stuff, and like to stick to tradition.

Nuts are the ones I've foraged in the autumn, but cheese and charcuterie. Yep, I do get extra in, as well as meat and fish, but then I freeze some for another time. This is a good time to stock up the freezer.

Please do not think I was criticising anyone for buying extras at this time of year. I was thinking more of people who, for instance, eat cheddar and edam cheese most of the year, but then at Christmas they buy a huge cheese platter for "rounding off" an already substantial meal. That is what some of my relatives do.

I bought a small pot of extra thick cream, to have with warmed Mice pies or scones. Also some of those "frozen then bake in the oven at home" croissants. The Bakers here are very traditional in their choice of merchandise.
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