Same with me I get things early as and when I see them. A few extra bits in the online shop nearer time when offers start to come out. The run up to Christmas is just the last bits of fresh stuff or stuff for freezer using the last minute space. Which I tend to get early to miss the rush and the massive queue on Christmas eve at the butchers. Luckily we order every thing so it's just a quick pick and pay the balance.This is why the vast majority of my shopping is already done, and why I leave the running around like headless chickens to others.
I do need some fresh fruit and veg (mainly to take advantage of the seasonal offers), but that's about it. Will be going to Tesco tomorrow evening to coincide with a spot of yellow stickering.
Only two of us but we do like to make a nice spread over Christmas and have plenty so no need to do much shopping in the run up to new year.
Oh yeah, as an aside...
Has anyone seen the big nets of clementines in the shops? Usually they've had them in for a couple of weeks by now, but Tesco has had none, and the friend who I go dog walking with says that Sainsbury's hasn't had any in either...
Your right not many placers look to have them. I know M & S have them on 2 for £3 offer.