Mundane News

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Über Member
I normally by my reading books from a charity shop in Stockbrige in Edinburgh. However a few months ago I was down in Peebles and picked up a book from a charity shop there (I'm too mean to buy new)

Anyway I started reading this book last week and halfway through I found a receipt stuck between the pages - the receipt implies the book had been sold by the very same charity shop that I normally goto in Stockbridge some 6 years ago
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Back from shorter (under an hour) bike ride today. Just oiled chain and will give it a wipe with the cloth thst has such purpose, soon.


Vice Admiral
Last weekend, my neighbours decorated one of their Christmas trees. It is a real tree, outdoors, in a giant pot, with just a few twinkly lights on it. I think they can be excused for decorating it early as their son has a birthday soon, and it will be ready for his party.

As for Misterchef, should they put a Wallace and Grovel film on in its place? ^_^

In my opinion, women of a certain age are more likely to complain about someone's behaviour because they have the confidence to do so. Younger ladies might be more reticent about complaining.

In other news, the patient has had various tests, but it is not conclusive whether he has irritable bowel syndrome/disease or the hernia repair has failed.
Now what's up? I get a security warning now !

I wasn't me; I'm over here.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
At a VERY warm Manchester velodrome where they've turned the temperature up - the reason is above my bike:


It's the women's and U23 team pursuit squads on the track just before my session. Edit: And the men's squad.
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Sort of a day in the office. Decided against getting up in time to grab a parking space and instead did a touch of WAH before heading in on the ebike at 9.30; the outside temperature having risen beyond black ice being likely.
Couple of meetings either side of a short lunch break, during which my thankfully almost empty yoghurt suddenly did a somersault. Even so traces of raspberry yogurt down black trousers did not look too good. Damp tissue employed and visit to the shower room to use the hairdryer on them.
Headed home at 3.30 and dragged the recycling bin back to its residing place and filled up the bird seed and suet ball holders before a touch more WAH.
With stupid winds predicted for tomorrow evening looks like this evening for the fortnightly cheap milk trip trip Sainsbury's.
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