It's been a sunny and cool day here chez Casa Reynard.
Slept well enough. Took the bull by the horns and spent the whole day lumberjilling on account of the incoming stormy weather. The branches that I gathered yesterday were cut into sections, hauled in and stacked under cover ready for sawing into smallish logs. Then went back out, and carried on clearing up that downed ash tree.
Cutting the wood into four foot sections (the length of my trailer) and bringing it in that way is a bit of a non-starter given that I'm looking at stuff that's around 10 inches in diameter (I started at the thin end and am working my way back down towards the roots), so I ended up cutting it into short pieces instead and then sawing those in half - which are then eminently splittable with the log maul. I have a whole trailer load, which also included some good bits of oak from another nearby tree that I felled a while back.
I will ship that all into the log store in the garage, and then go back for another trailer load later in the week once the rain has moved through. Next week's weather isn't looking terribly stellar, so it's worth getting ahead if I can.
I've also been giving the grass a cut while I've been to-ing and fro-ing with firewood.
Am now sat by the fire with a nice