Grey, ridiculously mild and very, very blustery here chez Casa Reynard. It is sort of trying to rain.
Slept OK-ish. Took me a while to drop off. Haven't done much today. Watched the F1 highlights, currently watching some snooker. But I've emptied the kitchen waste caddy onto the compost, split a bunch of logs and topped up all the wood bins in the house, and gone through my stash of dry goods / cupboard staples in the utility room.
The reason for the latter is that I was hoping to make a curry tomorrow, and wanted a tin of chickpeas. Turns out I used me last can the other week - I'd totally lost track, as I'd acquired a job lot in the green bins on YS a while back and so hadn't bought any recently. Ah well, that's four cans of chickpeas on the shopping list.
OTOH, amongst other things, I can account for four jars of mustard, four tubes of tomato paste, seven cans of coconut milk, five cans of tuna, four bottles of Korean chilli sauce, two bottles of BBQ sauce, five pot noodles and eight Xmas puddings.
But I do have black beans, so I shall be making spicy Mexican-style chicken instead.
AFAIK all my hats are accounted for