It's been a cool and mostly greyish day here chez Casa Reynard, with a little bit of sun and a little bit of drizzle.
Slept well despite being rather creaky. A gentle morning was had, and then I spent some time in the garden etc scouting out where next to go for firewood. I have some dead bullaces which I will take out. Still enough leaves on the rest of them at the moment to work out which ones are earmarked for felling. The ones that have to come down have been zapped with spray paint so that I can keep track of them. I've also seen two large ash trees have come down in the wood, so that's also on the agenda. One is down all the way, the other is dingle dangling, with the upper branches caught in a couple of adjacent trees. I will put some v-shaped cuts where appropriate, and then let gravity do the rest there.
Also sat down and watched the Spurs v Arsenal match in the WSL. Very nice result for the Gooners.
In other news, Madam Lexi caught a mouse in the hallway this afternoon. I will re-bait the trap though, just in case.