Do they still have to learn Morse Code?
I'm no good at telling the difference between the sound of a dot or dash!
fortunately no, that's no longer a requirement for the 1st level (technician class) license
funny side story, my 94.5 yr old Mother loves buying stuff from TV. she got a set of hearing aids. terrible item, they really use deceptive advertising. she can't open the charger case, it's too smooth & round. nothing to get a grip on. old hands, recovered from a broken arm & terrible arthritis, etc. but the dumbest aspect, is that they have a single tiny button, which controls modes & volume. you press the button repeatedly & listen for beeps for volume & bops for mode, or vice-a-versa. she can't hear those beeps & bops, BECAUSE SHE NEEDS A HEARING AID

so those got sent back
I have a set I bought for her, that I put on her when I visit ... it's a start & I don't have to yell at her 😍