Mundane News

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Yes, the stick gets me preferential and polite treatment. Restores my faith in mankind, it does.

I suppose it also gives you a plan 'B' if the visual effect doesn't work.


I've just spent the best part of half an hour doing a really stubborn sudoku. It's played havoc with my average time.
I only finished the 5 interlocking one from a two week old Saturday Times yesterday.
Chilly start, 3 on the outside thermometer but sunny so it soon went pass double that.
Washing hung out, having booked a repair of course the washer didn't trip the earth leakage breaker.
Ebike to the local Lidl which like Aldi yesterday was equally devoid of Ceasar salad dressing, a pity as their 'Deluxe' one is use within 6 weeks as opposed to the normal 4.
Decided as such to go to Sainsbury's and actually ticked off a couple of previously uncycled roads. Sun had now vanished . The cycle route emerges onto the access to a recycling site; autumn is definitely here as no queue of vehicles to negotiate.
Salad dressing obtained along the often absent mackerel fillets.
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Cool and sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept, but not brilliantly, as my right arm was really painful and my feet were like blocks of ice. The bits of my arm that weren't painful were in turns numb or insanely itchy. A hot water bottle did help, but I'm feeling a bit washed out today. The arm pain has subsided, and I can now move my arm, whereas last night, I couldn't.

On the upsides, at least I don't feel like I've been hit by a knackered old bus as I did with the original Covid vaccine. Thanks to all the shenanigans at the surgery, up until yesterday, I only had the basic course plus one booster that everybody over 18 was entitled to. So the new jab, in a sense, is a BIG improvement on sitting there feeling really rotten for a few days.

I have had a quiet morning listening to the T20 cricket on 5 Live Sports Extra. Have now switched to the WSL commentary on Radio 5.

It is almost time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but bitterly cold and not feeling too bright decided on a rest day rather than cycling.

I do complain about the car rally bunch but really all large groups tend to be a problem.
We used to get a lot of scuba divers and some of them were thoroughly obnoxious particularly ones from large clubs in the English midlands. They damaged the gel coat on my boat by mooring a rib on my mooring block without any care or permission and stole shellfish from local commercial diver’s stores. This led to some violent confrontations when the local divers found out.

As far as yotties were concerned the less said the better and we had West Highland Week and the Crinan to Armadale race with well over 100 boats each time. One year I was so incensed that I motored over to the Committee boat and emptied the contents of my cockpit on their deck along with the names of the boats who had rafted up without permission. Beer cans, whisky bottles and all sorts of household rubbish. You also hid your rubber dinghies and oars or paddles as well as anything else portable.

Strangely we had two large annual cycle events with virtually no complaints. A Sportif with about 140 entrants in June and a few motorists were annoyed at being delayed but nothing serious.
A two day cyclocross event in early December with similar numbers had no complaints.
I only finished the 5 interlocking one from a two week old Saturday Times yesterday.
Chilly start, 3 on the outside thermometer but sunny so it soon went pass double that.
Washing hung out, having booked a repair of course the washer didn't trip the earth leakage breaker.
Ebike to the local Lidl which like Aldi yesterday was equally devoid of Ceasar salad dressing, a pity as their 'Deluxe' one is use within 6 weeks as opposed to the normal 4.
Decided as such to go to Sainsbury's and actually ticked off a couple of previously uncycled roads. Sun had now vanished . The cycle route emerges onto the access to a recycling site; autumn is definitely here as no queue of vehicles to negotiate.
Salad dressing obtained along the often absent mackerel fillets.

Cesar salad dressing is just mayonnaise with black pepper, garlic* and grated parmesan cheese added to it.

Easy enough to whizz up when needed.

* I find garlic granules work well enough in this instance.
In all the confusion about the coffee nomenclature, I forgot to mention the 2 bph* conveyance progressing along the High Street.

I had heard the clippity cloppity clop of the power units before I saw it. Particularly noticable was that it was moving at just a fraction below the speed limit of 20mph.

* Bhp - is that the same as hp? Can @Reynard clarify the difference please.

Horsepower is the power output of the engine at the flywheel.

Brake horsepower is the power output at the driving wheels. Which will be a bit less than the above due to the inefficiencies in the drive train as a result of friction, heat etc. Basically, the First Law of Thermodynamics.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Horsepower is the power output of the engine at the flywheel.

Brake horsepower is the power output at the driving wheels. Which will be a bit less than the above due to the inefficiencies in the drive train as a result of friction, heat etc. Basically, the First Law of Thermodynamics.

I was just about to say that! 😂
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