Mundane News

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It has been a treat day today.We have treated our daughter.A tyre and a pillow from Dreams bed people.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Lovely morning around the Peak District today..
6 mile walk to see the sunrise from Shining Tor, a bit of a ride alongside Fernilee Reservoir followed by a swim in the Open Air pool in Hathersage 👌



I hope it goes well. Fingers and toes crossed.

Fingers, toes and paws crossed here chez Casa Reynard.

Thank you both.
The most odd thing about it was one of the panel is the daughter of a friend of ours. Which was fine but then I remembered me and Mrs 73 use to baby sit her and her bothers. Which made it all the more odd. Luckily she was only playing a small role in the panel and would not be my manger. In fact I'd be managing her.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
An evening here in Manchester track racing. It's a faster group so I'm running different wheels and gears.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of very heavy showers which I managed to avoid on my trip into Oban for a visit to a dermatologist He was not interested in the ear I thought he was following up on but what seems to be a pressure point on my thigh which in the past had got infected.
No action needed or wanted as I have other more serious medical things on my mind.
Busy day getting assorted non perishable shopping but perishables can wait till Sunday or early Monday before heading for the ferry home.
The battery in my car key failed so was able to park briefly outside Timson's who fitted a new one. Fortunately I had a spare key handy tho' I could unlock the car without a battery fitted key.
Knackered and do not feel too good as well as sore upper arms but not where the the needles went in.
Had a lovely luncheon of a cheese and salami sandwich, plus a nectarine and two :cuppa:

Edited some photos for someone, and then went off for a very gentle bicycular bimble. Was much nicer out than yesterday, but I did have a fleece beanie under my helmet and some winter gloves, so felt a lot warmer too. Although I wore jeans, so my derriere got a bit chilly.

However, I managed to round up enough potatoes from the verges to make a nice big pan of chips tonight, and I am also half a pannier to the good of escaped beetroot. They were lifting beetroot in a field about a mile and a half down the road, and the trail of mud and beetroot very conveniently went past Casa Reynard.

I shall triage the beetroot tomorrow. Wash them all, cook the dinged ones and store the rest and make chutney with them when I've more time to do stuff.

Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.
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