Nice sunny morning so far as the weather here goes.
General mood not so sunny due to parking problems. The bit where I live is a sort of self contained little community with enough parking space for everybody.
Four non resident cars have appeared and some residents are having to park on the carriageway. Rising collective anger. Nobody is going to damage those cars but eventually the owners will be cornered.
Travel chaos yesterday as Fishnish/Lochaline ferry broke down and one from Oban was cancelled and I get bumped to a later one.
Then the cancelled one gets reinstated so I got my tickets transferred again which slightly to my surprise did work as by that time anything was possible.
Woe and lamentations yesterday on Mull as no Sunday papers appeared.
I never read them anyway so it did not bother me.
In the distant past they were brought over to Grasspoint by Granny Spencer in an open launch as there were no Sunday ferries and collected there by a guy who ran a sort of taxi service. They generally arrived early/mid afternoon and since it was an open launch they were sometimes a bit damp.