Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I feel on the wobbly side of unstable, and very tired.


Turned into a frustrating afternoon trying to work out what was wrong with a USB port on my laptop. Kept on getting Device Not Recognised despite them working okay in the other port. Followed a couple of YouTube videos and the laptop makers own suggestions to no avail. Then a while later tried the audio converter and that worked.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mark the buttock into quarters Injecting in upper outer quadrant Get it wrong and hit the sciatic nerve result patient hits the ceiling



I was lying peacefully in hospital bed. Two nurses with a trolley appear which is always bad news.
“ hello I am Sharon and this is Debbie. She is a student nurse and has never given an injection to a real patient before. Can she do yours?”
Cannot remember why it had to be buttock but in fact it was pain free unlike some of her colleagues.


I was lying peacefully in hospital bed. Two nurses with a trolley appear which is always bad news.
“ hello I am Sharon and this is Debbie. She is a student nurse and has never given an injection to a real patient before. Can she do yours?”
Cannot remember why it had to be buttock but in fact it was pain free unlike some of her colleagues.

They use to practice on oranges at uni, as Mrs 73 says it's nothing like a person. They use training arms now with pretty effective artificial skin.
Going back to Mrs 73 they had a full adult mannequin which was a male but the bottom 1/2 was female. This was pre skills labs and computerised mannequins that can talk and be made to be a bit unwell one minute than go into full arrest the next. They are very life like and make you work as if for real.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Evening stroll was nive
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