Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a slowly brightening Suffolk. Coffee has just been finished with a bowl of porridge for breakfast to follow to set me up for the day.

An early start as, thanks to cheap rail tickets, I'm off to Norwich & the area just to the north for the day. Got a 50 mile loop planned and then hopefully lunch somewhere.


Über Member
Why is my 7:00 am alarm now going off in the dark?

A very foggy autumnal morning in SW Durham, as I topped up the bird's peanut feeder I could hear a cow coughing somewhere in the murk over the field out the back of us.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A driech day but no odds as I am not doing anything interesting today.
Heading to Paisley soon to get needles stuck in me takes up most of the day.

Calmac have cancelled my return booking home on Sunday and given me another one which does not really work for me but lucky to get one at all. They are sending our boat to Lochboisdale to shut them up for a bit but the timing could be better as this is the run up to the car racing on public [closed ] roads.
I thought I had booked MV Loch Frisa which should not be affected but apparently not.
In emergency the long way round by Corran Ferry and Lochaline is possible but again will be busy with rally wonks.
We are warned that Monday 14th there will be massive queues and a waiting time of up to 6 hours to get off by Fishnish/Lochaline. They simply line up and block the road for oncoming traffic which I have had experience of in the past.

They tell me I will get sent e tickets which I detest and not a lot of good unless you are on wifi. Unless something appears by Saturday I will have to go and pester the office in Oban for proper paper tickets.


Looking like another lovey sunny day it was a tad nippy early this morning.
Gym done and my morning jobs all done, Gym stuff washed just need pegging out to dry. Think it's :cuppa: time 1st.
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