Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Getting a bit cloudy so I think our spell of good weather is over for the time being anyway.
Got out for a trike run in sunshine up the Moss Road.
I had thought of going further up Loch Etive but the hill at Queen’s Brae is hard going on the way back.
The last consultant I saw suggested I give up cycling meantime but I am not sure he understood the kind of cycling I currently indulge in. The Kett. trike is a heavy beast but I can use maximum e assist if I feel the need rather than pushing a bit harder.
Ended up doing about 10 miles and feel a bit knackered.
I am getting lined up for a pacemaker and TAVI as the heart could not cope without the pacemaker apparently.
This is kind of a “ kill or cure” thing and opinions vary as to the prospects of success.
Not that I have much option as my aortic valve is seriously clogged up and will certainly kill me if not attended to. OTOH I have had over 89 active years so cannot really expect much more but both my parents lived well into their 90’s so the genes suggest longer life possibility.


Legendary Member
Nearly 3.5 hours of almost unbroken sunshine this afternoon - we've gone from the repeat of the grotty spring conditions to almost autumn weather.

Test ride completed, quick adjustment fettle, back out for another test ride, another adjustment fettle and bike put away. That's it for today, my feet are up and I'm not moving.


A lovely sunny day all round, washing is dry and been bought in. Charlie's been out for another walk in the sun , he's had a bath and the Dyson has been walked over the floors. My evening walk has been walked, now sat having a :cuppa: enjoying last of the days warm weather with the backdoor open. Shame the nights are drawing in on days like this.
I didn't wear the nappy leggings on the end but a normal pair. It was a bit chilly on my legs to begin with but it soon warmed up. We had bright sunshine here which was nice until we were heading towards it and then riding into shadows. Blinding one minute and then pitch black the next. Where did the road go ? :ohmy:
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