Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Being well over 75 I can only agree.
Re the indicators I often use mine when nobody can be seen but are probably just coming round a blind corner of which we have lots here. Saves misunderstandings.

I'm afraid I'm with you on this, use your indicators, because you can't see everyone who is affected by your maneuver.

On the other hand, the use of headlights when unnecessary drives me up the wall.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I ended up plumping for liquorice allsorts and rolos.

The main thing was working out whether this was the right timespan for the "one last rolo" advert. Which it is.

The one thing that's bugging me is that I can't work out whether liquorice allsorts came in plastic packets, loose in small cardboard boxes or in a cellophane wrapper inside a cardboard box. Mainly because I don't like them and hence never bought them back in the day.

Haven't had a rolo for a very long time!

They were sold in boxes, with a separate plastic liner. They were also sold in bags, depending on how much you were buying.

Some shops sold them loose, serving them out of large wholesale boxes.

I only remember them being sold in paper tubes.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

😂 😂😂👌😂😂


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Our last dog was like that went more for Mrs 73 food than mine. Our 1st some times tried it on but mostly safe. Charlie never has gone for anything , since is limited diet we do tend to play it safe and move stuff.

Cassie used to be up at the table when we'd just had a meal & there has been a case of "I'm sure I left a biscuit there", but generally she's very good. However, she does know all the people we meet on our walks who are likely to have treats.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Another nice morning here and I have a couple of days off. I went out for a later than usual perambulation and the traffic is ridiculous around the schools. I'm so pleased I don't need to drive to work. I'd hate to deal with that every day.

I didn't really sleep very well and feel tired and have a headache. I had hoped to go out on the bike today but can't really motivate myself at the moment.

The local secondary schools are between us, the town centre & the motorway. Queues of traffic can be seen at 08:00.
Mild and sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well again, which again, helps. My face is still tender, but the swelling is going down. I have done some paperwork this morning, and I have also picked some tomatoes that have finally ripened. My plants are looking rather tired.

I will have to pop out this afternoon for bread, milk, eggs and chamomile tea. I'm not up to braving Tesco in town yet, so I shall go to the Co-op in the next village along.


Installing a new clothes pole
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