Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Did you serve it up on a piece of slate ?

Nope.. In a heart-shaped cage... 👍


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Feeling much better than yesterday. I probably should have gone for a ride as the weather was nice but tidied up my flat instead. Popped out for my usual Sunday evening music fix. Place is full of Scottish touroids. Oldwheels must have exported a bus load of them.

Maybe they've come here to sample proper whiskey... :whistle:

When I was manager at Littlemill Distillery which was the oldest in Scotland it was well known that St Patrick came originally from Duntocher just up the road and taught the Irish how to make whisky when he moved there. He learned how to do it properly at Littlemill when down sampling.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cold morning and the house is only 15C this morning It is still dry but light rain is forecast.
Cannot be sure but I think there is a light dusting of white on the highest mountain top I can see.
I will not attempt the name which would take up a couple of lines of gaelic.
Seems very quiet this morning with virtually no traffic. It is a bank holiday which is pretty meaningless usually as the only things shut are the bank and post office as well as the doctor's surgery.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa going down well with a doorstep slice of toast.

17c in the kitchen


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very wet & windy Suffolk. A very unsatisfactory coffee has been had - a trial purchase of something cheap from Lidl which won't be repeated once the pack has been finished.

When I can be bothered to get moving the emptied recycling wheelie bin needs to be retrieved before it gets blown down the road and my car moved back to its normal parking spot if the neighbour who didn't park very well yesterday has gone out. Judging by the scruffy old git that looked at me from the mirror is anything to go by, a haircut is also required today.


Legendary Member
As it's the end of the month and there's a little bit of cash left ahead of work pension payday* I think I'm going to treat myself to lunch out. Given the weather, I think I'm going to take the train both ways rather than do the usual bike ride out/train home. There's still a couple of hours for the rain to stop as the wind is in my favour if I was to use the bike for the outward leg.

*I actually get paid on the last working day of the week (i.e. today), but always run my accounts as if I get paid on the 1st of the following month.
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