Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Heading along the A140 today and yesterday I saw yellow AA direction signs to "Swedefest". Not knowing anything about it and seeing as how this is in Suffolk I didn't know if it was something for enthusiasts of Scandinavian vehicles or lovers of specific root vegetables.

Disappointingly - as the same venue used to hold the Suffolk Potato Day - it turned out to be a Truckfest type of thing for Scania & Volvo trucks


Legendary Member
Decided to stay 'local' and went to Snetterton which was probably the correct decsion as (I've not watched it yet to confirm) apparently the Brands race was under the safety car for 1/3rd of the 2 hours. Went out for a quick bike ride loop of Felixstowe before I left and it was a bit breezy, but the afternoon in South Norfolk was bitterly cold in a very stiff breeze under grey cloud.

The recycling bin has been moved to the front of the house ready for emptying in the morning and I now think it's time for a cold 🍺 or 🍺


Legendary Member
Feeling much better than yesterday. I probably should have gone for a ride as the weather was nice but tidied up my flat instead. Popped out for my usual Sunday evening music fix. Place is full of Scottish touroids. Oldwheels must have exported a bus load of them.

Maybe they've come here to sample proper whiskey... :whistle:
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