Mundane News

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I'm going to bed in 2 hours and 15 minutes time

better stop drinking now


Leg End Member

Can you find the two hidden faces in the above picture within ten seconds?
A warm and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, but with a brisk and somewhat chilly breeze.

Slept well. Had a lovely morning walking around the local nature reserve with a friend and her dogs. It's the same friend who is fostering the SCWT cat I've been interested in. We had a good chat, and I've officially turned the cat down. The poor thing is turning out to be a basket case in terms of temperament - walking into her pen, you don't know whether you'll get sweetness and light or be shredded. And since I'm searching for a cat on the basis of temperament, this is not what I want.

So back to square one, and need to notify all the people / rescues that I've put on hold and let them know I'm now looking again.

Some erranding required this afternoon, but first, it is time for luncheon.


All at sea⛵
View attachment 746004
Can you find the two hidden faces in the above picture within ten seconds?



Delayed day in the office and the ebike for what's seems far too long had a day in the work bike shed. Lunchtime visit to Nationwide to move a 1 year ISA to another on maturity. Snag was by mistake I went in the Nat West initially, near same colours and entrances almost side by side and nothing evident inside to say it wasn't the Nationwide otherthan in hindsight being a touch on the big side.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Summer has finally arrived. A really hot day with little wind and the same forecast for the next few days.
I need to dig my shorts back out I think.
Today was a suit and tie day for a funeral. Big problem initially was how do I tie a necktie?
took me several attempts before I got it right since it is a few years since I last wore one and that was at wildlife pal's wife's funeral.
Nobody seems impressed with the Church of Scotland female minister. A lacklustre performance delivered in a monotone not helped by the hard pews we had which hurt my back.
The last one we had [call me Johnny] put on a really good show for funerals and worked at it.
One I was at a neighbour leaned over and whispered " I think I am at the wrong funeral this not the Auld Jimmy we all knew and loved". He was a cantankerous old b---- in real life.
"Johnny" was a keen mountaineer and we lost him when he fell off a mountain in Wester Ross. :sad:
At the cemetery there is always a bit of socialising meeting old friends you have not met for a while and exchanging news.
This is best on a nice sunny day like today.
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