Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa going down well
Small grey cat strolling around our garden not seen it for a week or so


Legendary Member
Good morning from a warm and partly cloudy Suffolk with a stiff north easterly breeze thrown into the mix. The first coffee of the day was had with the penultimate Sainsbury's plain chocolate digestive biscuit from the pack. Back to either custard creams or shorties next.

Hopefully another very quiet day ahead, so it may be this week's walk into town for a free hot drink day.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I have decided it's time I bought a new wallet the leather is actually worn through and most of the little pockets are worn out even though I sewed them back together a few years ago. I actually felt embarrassed producing it in the bar in Port Charlotte as it's so tatty looking.
Obviously I've worn it out over the years by opening it so much due to my amazing generosity.:laugh:

Not moths then.


I have just experienced the disappointment of reaching into the bag of fruit pastilles only to find them all gone. I could have sworn I had one left...


Legendary Member
I have just experienced the disappointment of reaching into the bag of fruit pastilles only to find them all gone. I could have sworn I had one left...

It’s like when you think you still have a mouthful of coffee in your mug and realise it’s finished. Even worse when you think you just have a mouthful left and realise it’s slightly more than a mouthful! Clean t-shirt time. :laugh:
long pants today, goodbye summer ;-(
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