Mundane News

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Today, I discovered Jaffa cake flavoured ice cream 🍨 My life is now complete.

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We found marmalade ice cream. There was a nearby indication



Itching to get back on my bike's
Evening cuppa of hot chocolate went down well.
Fabby supper of some lovely Scottish black pudding, mashed potatoes, fried onions, dripping and apple sauce. :mrpig:

I am now feeling a lot happier. It's amazing how a good plate of food can lift one's mood.

Almost made marmalade ice cream the other week, but opted for min spy ice cream instead. I have some lovely orange marmalade flavoured with chilli and ginger that I could use.


Legendary Member
Not a bad day out at all. Sunshine on arrival in the East Midlands although it soon clouded over and there was quite a chill to the wind. Not necesarily the best racing due to the variety and age of the machines, but it's the age & variety that makes it interesting. Add in all the old stuff that turns up in the spectator parking and you could spend most of the day just wandering around. Mallory Park remains my favourite viewing circuit and it was good to get away for the day.

Sat outside listening to 'You shook me all night long' by AC/DC. Bit nippy to be fair, but the grogs doing its job.
Nice early evening cycle around the north coast of Anglesey, crikey, the islands pretty much flat but the road out of Llanddona beach is 25%.
Legs ache but what a great day ^_^

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
We found marmalade ice cream. There was a nearby indication

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Please look after that bear.
Thank You.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
been enjoying a gout flare up the past cpl days. got a little worse last night. called out from my Sunday job. supposed to do a pub crawl w/ the family later. dunno 'bout that. can't find my favorite ice pack but this will have to do. elevated & on the couch now
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And you know, alcohol will aggravate that.
Morning .
I have woken early. We leave Bournemouth and the hotel today. It might be our last visit to Bournemouth as the council say that they won't fund next year's festival. We have been here for 15 years now, mainly staying in hotels. The first visit was just on a whim, a last minute decision. We missed one, I can't remember why but I suffered from withdrawal symptoms. We went the following year and ever since.
The sky is turning red as the sun is about to rise.
There is some talk of there not being an event next year but having something the following year maybe with kites and drones funded by businesses. Well if that happens I won't be coming! I can't see how businesses will support something new and untried when you have something which already works. Yesterday the beach and surrounding area were packed. The weather was grey and chilly not weather for sun bathing. For a while a few people braved it , I was wearing a T shirt but finally put my light coat on to keep warm. There were a few people who were swimming.
The flying opened up with the Lancaster, can't remember what came next but we had 4 Spitfires in total, a Swordfish ,Wasp and 2 Lynx helicopters, Pitts Special, Fireblades display team, finally finishing off with a Boeing B 17.
Feeling a bit sad that this could be our last visit .
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