Mundane News

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Hover fly is going to make a pie.:popcorn:

Pie was a success, much to moon bunny’s amazement.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wind and rain stopped eventually but I have not been outdoors at all today.
Nothing much achieved.
A cruise liner was anchored in a strange spot this morning with a distant view of Tobermory to tantalise the inmates. There is deep water and shelter from a westerly gale under the cliffs which is probably the reason.
We are not the only ones to have ferry booking problems. Been in contact with my brother in Shetland and they have great difficulty getting a car and cabin booking together on the same overnight sailing to Aberdeen.
They are heading down to @Raynard country where his wife came from.
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Had a lovely luncheon of a seafood stick sandwich, an orange, some raspberries and two :cuppa:

The jam making plans were scuppered on account that I'd forgotten that I needed to go and pick up the parental's prescription. So that has been deferred till tomorrow. So instead, I rebuilt the broken supports for the tomato plants - I did bang in the vertical stakes the other day when the ground was saturated after all the rain - but I had to add in the crosspieces, the abutments and then re-tie all the tomato plants to the whole shebang. My arms were a vibrant shade of green by the time I finished!

Went foraging on the way back from picking up mum's meds. I have some apples from a tree in a nearby hedgerow that I know produces really good fruit - well five apples, but it's better than nowt, and I also have some walnuts. They're still not quite ready, but the weekend's storm brought them down, and so it was worth furkling. In any case, it was just nice being outside and doing some gentle exercise. It's better than being sat at home feeling sorry for myself.

The cat has been fed, and soon it will be time to feed me.
Unexpressive acting, possibly?

It was the forerunner of the X Flies as it was all filmed in the dark. Amazingly nobody carried a torch when they were looking for something.


Apple TV seemingly free of charge. Barclays have a reward account whereby you transfer £5 into it a month and that reward account entitles you to various offers etc. I immediately move the £5 to a, exclusive to the reward account, higher than normal interest saving account. Today they messaged me saying they were giving reward account users free Apple TV or MLS subscriptions. At the second attempt seems to have worked with the app functioning on the TV without having to enter any card details. Pity there is no choice of having a free Discovery Plus cycling subscription.
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Camping for 7 nights. Managed to snap the ground anchor's screw section as the ground got tough, so the rest of it pulled out (12"). So bike is in the car boot at the moment. Got some spare screw in anchors (for bad weather) but they are too large for the security plate to fit over the top that I attach the locks to. There are a couple of trees behind the tent though.

Photos of the arrangement, when you have a moment. 😉


Well a significant day today.

Cycled 25km, lunched in the sunshine, borrowed a settee for a few hours and cycled back 25km.
Lessons are that I like Belgium. My recollection of the relationship between cyclists and motorists is misplaced.
The knob in the BMW soft top on Baron d'Huart so nearly got me. But there is no doubt he heard what I called him. I was so near his ear!
Sadly it was French in a Flemish area.

Maybe he missed the flashing light, the yellow helmet and dayglo top.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Fish Fingers, runner beans, carrots & chard for dinner, followed by rhubarb crumble.
All were grown in the veg patch apart from the Fish Fingers (obviously!) and the crumble.

Though you can now buy fish-free fingers
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