Mundane News

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more of a Jessica Simpson fan, myself. kind of a sexy video, hope no one minds


I don't remember her in the Simpsons! :whistle:
I had a dream earlier. My brother and I were on a plane about to take off for a flight to the US. I wasn't looking forward to it. By the size of the plane it must have been a very large Airbus, we were sat in the middle. I don't mind the take off as you can see that you are moving forward. It's the feeling you get when climbing where it starts to feel like you are slipping back which I don't like. In the dream I decided to go to sleep.
People reassure people by saying that millions of people travel by plane every day and arrive safely. The people on board the planes which crashed thought the same thing!


Hong Kong

I was just talking to my wife . Yes I know it's a rare event! :whistle: I was saying that I can remember getting off a bus and walking back home when my mum said that they had finally paid off the money for our house and it was theirs. I must have been at the age when my mum still picked me up from school so I was thinking about 7 or 8. So We assume that my parents must have taken out a mortgage just after the war. I can remember the day being sunny as we walked back.
Isn't it strange how I can remember all that far back but can't remember what I had for tea sometimes! :wacko:


Itching to get back on my bike's
There’s a wee autumnal nip in the air first thing now.

Certainly is today struggling to feel my arms at mo so going to jump in the shower


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I need to get points off as well as when I was out earlier there was a definite autumnal feel and a bit damp tho' not actually raining.
I had hoped to get a trike run today but unless the weather picks up a bit a walk is more likely

Still ferry problems and MV Loch Frisa was delayed last night as somebody blocked the toilets again.
On one sailing from Craignure we had to wait around until a guy who specialises in such things came with his gear from Tobermory 21 miles away. Once on site it took him about half an hour to get the problem cleared and we were able to get on board and underway.


The football season is upon us.players are being transfered for stupid amounts of dosh.Well just to inform you,i have changed clubs for the cost of one bean.I now support Cafe Nero,my transfer request was accepted last week.My details were changed this morning.I am hoping to get a cup this weekend,that will be more than Harry Kane has got.
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