Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
got my suv back from the body shop, after 2 weeks, it feels very different than the bmw sedan rental!

Does it feel any different from what it did before? If so, I would have my mechanic take a look at it.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Half day trip to see dad in Nottingham. Southbound wasn't too bad aside from the continuing Wentbridge viaduct works on the A1, resolved with a rat run, and the M1 being 50 almost immediately joining it off the M18 all the way to 28, the A38.
His laptop is painfully slow so set defrag running on it, think it could be some hours...
Northbound return was painful. The 50 on the M1 was a predictive target only for large stretches that were crawling or stationary. Decided to stay on the M1 to avoid Wentbridge only to find the 50 continued a fair way north of the M18 turning. The idea to rejoin the A1(M) via the M1 was quashed by another stretch of hopefully 50 but actually crawling or stationary. Turned off onto the A63 and surprisingly, given time was 4.30, not too much problem getting out of Leeds on the A61.
Got home to find the seed feeder on the lawn and a broken anti 🐿️ baffle. Seems that the fixing bolt had come undone in the wind.

or the squirrels have acquired spanners for nut removal.
Warm and sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well. An evening of chatting about motor racing and flirting with a male friend resulted in brain not switching off. Ah well, hey ho. I guess I can't complain *too* much LOL.

Have spent the morning sorting out my stuff for tomorrow. My judge's bag is packed with all the bits that I will need, my specials have been put together, and I have glued a fresh bunch of feathers into my favourite trigger's broom jingly tickler. The last lot of feathers were definitely not Maine Coon proof... :laugh:

Anyways, it is just about time to put the kettle on for luncheon.
My neighbour had a Sunbeam Rapier!

My dad had a Sunbeam Alpine MkV

I still have my SAOC t-shirt and keyring somewhere...
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