Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with liver sausage and the other with the last of a very fine camembert made with unpasteurized milk, plus an apple, a nectarine, some cherries and two
After, sat outside in the shade working on the writing. It had clouded over some, so despite being very warm, was actually quite pleasant. Got quite a bit done, including completing the changes to the current chapter, and it now seems to work better as a result.
About 6pm-ish, went to the community orchard. In the few days since I was there last, someone has been in with a ladder and stripped the greengage trees almost bare. They've also taken a saw / loppers to the branches that had the most fruit and made off with the whole shebang.

Having said that, I still managed to find enough left to have a useful quantity. Most of them aren't quite ripe yet, but it was either take them now or risk not having any at all. Ergo what I *do* have will most likely be diverted to making jam.
Also noticed that the early season apples have been dropping off and that people had also already been picking them. So hooned home for a basket and my gardening shoes (it's a squishy mess under those trees), and picked a couple of trays worth. Still plenty left for other people. Well, for people taller than me, at any rate.
There are probably going to be some apple fritters made at some point...
Had to laugh that some people picking apples in the orchard this evening were picking late season cookers - a variety that *looks* like a dessert apple, but isn't. They're going to get a bit of a surprise when they try to eat them!
As a result of the impromptu return to the orchard, I ended up just having a sausage sandwich and a

for supper. Mind you, I wasn't hungry, as I ate three apples while I was picking, and then a handful of cherry plums (mirabelles) that I found in a nearby hedgerow...