I'm back now in Hongkers in what was a very strange trip home.
First, I arrive at Edinburgh airport and it was rammed to the gills. I actually thought at first that it was just everyone hitting the airport at the same time, being festival season and that all the USA/Canadian airlines were checking in all at the same time. But, no.
I was told that the baggage system had gone down and had just been brought back online, albeit slowly.
Two hours and 50 mins later, I manage to get the the front of the queue and dropped my bags. Headed over to the gate and boarded the plane. However, due to the chaos, the pilot couldn't leave as he had to wait for 50 passengers to fight their way through the mess. So, we took off an hour late.
No way was I going to get my connection to HK was my thought. Got to LHR, one of the BA staff suggested I tried scanning my boarding pass before asking about a rebooking. I scanned the pass and the machine let me through with a message saying 'Go to gate B37'.
Game on I thought.
Raced from one end of T5 to the other, via the little train they have, and made it with 10 mins to spare.
But, I made my flight, just, my luggage didn't and my heart sank when at HK my luggage didn't arrive. Found out that it was on the second BA flight to HK that left an hour or so after I did.
Another wait and, this time, grabbed my luggage. Headed home.
Bloody 'ell, I'll sleep well tonight.