Mundane News

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Leg End Member
My new card will apparently be sent out on the next 5 - 7 business days and I now have €250 in nice shiny new notes. I declined the €200 note as shopkeepers don't like them in my experience.

I had to fill out a withdrawal form. I haven't seen one of those since I was a teenager. Luckily all the details I needed were on banking app on my phone. What a PITA it must have been withdrawing money before ATM machines.

It's still raining heavily and almost dark. I think I will cancel my planned ride!
I used to go in to the bank, not always with my bankbook, fill the withdrawal slip in and get money that way.
Granted, there might have been "security questions", but giving them the number of on of the other accounts usually answered any doubts.


Leg End Member
So... doing paperwork on a hot and sticky afternoon after lunch isn't a good idea when I'm normally on my feet and moving around. Fortunately someone called or I'd still be asleep...
Ay, you could have been locked in work all weekend. Unable to move at more than 6" per minute or you'd set the alarm off.
Feel stressed and down in the dumps - various reasons, but also because it's been a year since I lost Madam Poppy. I miss her so very much as she was just such a fantastic companion. So I'm heading off to bed.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:

I wish ours would be a bit more sociable. He came and lay on my legs yesterday afternoon whilst I was having a nap but most of the time he is out hiding somewhere.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather was horrible most of the day.

I went to visit a maritime museum that I had been meaning to visit forba very long time which was interesting and i learnt a lot and seen a lot of exhibits including weird obscure things like a toilet cistern handle from the SS Laurentic. The wreck of the Laurentic has always been a popular site with divers as she went down with £5M in gold bullion but stole bits from the toilet?

I then continued along the coast, managed to fit a walk on a beach in between the showers as I didn't have appropriate apparel for a beach walk in August as I had left my woolly hat, scarf, overcoat and Wellingtons at home.

I then did a little reconnaissance for a possible weekend overnight cycle tour at some point before winter. The weather then suddenly improved as I was driving home and is glorious now.

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Re your remark about divers. You may not be aware that some scubies specialise in tearing wrecks apart to pinch anything.
We found a previously unknown wreck in the Sound of Mull [ the location on charts was wrong so people were searching in the wrong place] but kept quiet about it till some fool with too much booze let the secret out. Within weeks boat loads of them arrived and literally tore the thing apart for souvenirs. It was a coal carrier so no cargo of great value to them.
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