Mundane News

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Good morning. Hot and sticky already.

While out flat hunting on the touring bike, it managed to loosen its headset and lost a mudguard stay screw, so I'll be sorting those out today.
I am going to see the doc this morning. Haven't seen one for a while so I thought I see if I can remember what one looked like .

I've been feeling like my batteries are on the way out . Not holding a full charge.


Early morning walk cut short as heavy rain was on the cards. Proved a good idea has it started just as I got back and has been coming down for the past 2 hours ever since. Looking brighter now but still no sign of it dying out. Better have another :cuppa: and see what I think about going out later.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Well we are told that we can say "no".
Do note the use of "we".
I recognise the dilemma. Be polite and have a few or none.
Do know how the legs feel the morning after a few pints.
Sounds a nice adventure, enjoy
metron ariston

I could turn the Beacons down. I'm not turning TC down, she's fantastic company and a really nice person.
EDIT - tagging @theclaud so she sees this. Easier than shouting it across a crowded pub, although maybe I'll do that too.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Driech start with fog and not a breath of wind tho' the sun is trying to break through.

Not a good day for West Highland Week who should be yacht racing from here today and I think tomorrow before heading back to Oban on Saturday. Did not see them arriving yesterday so lack of decent wind meant they were probably late getting here.

The golf course committee are warning walkers to keep clear this weekend as the annual local championship matches will be taking place and golf balls will be flying around and not necessarily where they are supposed to go.
On Shetland I was cycling up a side road near Scalloway when a golf ball suddenly appeared and hit my front wheel. This came from the adjacent golf course and I have often wondered if it was perhaps a deliberate attempt to get me as it seemed well away from where it should normally have gone.
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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
You mean that is not normal?

Perhaps after living with pretty severe hypertension ''normal'' ranges are experienced as hypotension. My meds plus fatigue will sometimes kick in extra hard and I'll get very dizzy, close to fainting. When I've done BP readings during one of those episodes, the numbers are not super low but they're too low for me. It could be similar for @Ripple.
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