Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I have an obsession ( well ok just one of my obsessions) it being balancing large heavy objects on top of one another with nothing but the force of gravity holding them together. This is a total of five pieces of rock found lying around here :rolleyes:

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Mouse trap?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mainly cloudy but sunny periods and quite warm for a change.
Got a trike run on a forest road but not one I will ever try again. A lot of the surface is fist size stones and not nice to cycle on to put it mildly. Gave up after the first mile and retraced the route as it looked like continuing like that and went a different road instead. Could have done a circuit but I did not have my flag and the main road is busy with fast traffic so just returned on the same forest road.
Afternoon up to surgery for more blood donations and the fire alarm was blaring and most of the staff were trying to find how to turn it off. Eventually a nurse appeared with more keys and after much button pressing peace descended.
Stopped at the chemist as there was one space but then discovered since it is Wednesday that they shut all afternoon. Fortunately nothing urgent.
Hot and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, but manageable thanks to a cool breeze.

Slept well. Spent the morning walking around the local nature reserve with a friend and her dogs. Also watched the triathlon and the rowing.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with salami, one with a fabulous mature stilton, plus a pear, some strawberries and two :cuppa:

Made a batch of Min Spy ice cream this afternoon :hungry:

Now sat out in the garden (in the shade) writing and listening to commentary from Paris.


Legendary Member
Parcels have been posted and a bike has been ridden for a bit.
The last hour has been spent in the back garden with the radio and a pint of cold squash, but I've had to move out of the shade as it was a bit chilly in the breeze! That hour was mostly spent getting car insurance quotes and the lowest I've managed to get it down to is around £305 which will have to do.
Time for dinner.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Haddock fillets just consumed and very nice too. I miss having fresh fish which we used to catch regularly.

Anyone wanting a different kind of forum should look at Isle of Harris News on FB where they take the mickey out of touroid.
I lurk there but do not take part in any as I am not from Harris and am not a tourist there. Thank goodness I was there in the good old days when I cycled all the northern islands.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Veg and fruit plants watered
Time for a walk
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