Mundane News

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It is a bit cloudy here this morning with some bits of blue sky showing through.


Leg End Member
Flat or downhill for preference.
For it to be downhill one way requires it to be uphill the other way.
Flat is kinda boring...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather seems to be finding it difficult to settle down this morning. Sunny with black clouds suddenly appearing.
I think a walk is likely if my dodgy knee holds up. I find loading the trike into the car more difficult for some so far unknown reason and I prefer not to get it wet either.
More junk to be moved from my top shed but I find it hard to part with stuff which may one day come in useful but not necessarily by me. Trowels for plastering are still good but I will never use them again for example.
I really need a car boot sale where I could get rid of a lot and make some profit now that the government has filched even more money from me.
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