Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Another dreich evening, so dull I've had to switch on the light. Hopefully August will have better weather than July.

My back's not so bad now. Yesterday, I was worried it would be a repeat of last time where I found it basically impossible to get out of bed but it's nowhere near that bad. Hopefully the improvements continue tomorrow.

Since it looks like winter, I made some vegetable soup.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear

Probably better than being in Leeds.
More flat hunting today. I took the train to Hechingen, which is lovely and my goodness, why isn't that castle on every travel website in the world?

Then I cycled back to get a feel for the region and see where may be a practical place to live and commute to work.

I quickly decided Hechingen, despite the aforementioned loveliness, won't work, as it's on the Mother of All Hills, the better for warding off marauders and cyclists, and the edge of a river valley. As said river goes to the Danube, there's another murderous hill before reaching the Steinbach valley, whose river runs to the Neckar and thence to the Rhine. Then there were more lumps, which the cycleway took great pleasure in going up and down... and up again.

When this all finally calmed down, and I found several other very pretty towns that would be famous anywhere but Germany, I declared that the limit of the search area and will place adverts in the local newspaper asking about apartments.

It was tough, but it had to be done...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another dreich evening, so dull I've had to switch on the light. Hopefully August will have better weather than July.

My back's not so bad now. Yesterday, I was worried it would be a repeat of last time where I found it basically impossible to get out of bed but it's nowhere near that bad. Hopefully the improvements continue tomorrow.

Since it looks like winter, I made some vegetable soup.

My back was like that but I got a series of exercises from a physio which helped tho’ it still recurs from time to time. I still do the daily exercises while my porridge is cooling every morning and if I miss a few days then the pain tends to recur.


BP at the pharmacy at 4pm - 194/123.
At the hospital after 6pm - 243/143 (the winner). :blink:
At the hospital 10 minutes ago - 170/120.
Been given couple of tablets which name I forgot as soon as nurse said it.
Still at the hospital.
Oh and according to a nurse I have no veins as it took her 3 times to finally find a suitable vein. ^_^ :scratch:


Leg End Member
BP at the pharmacy at 4pm - 194/123.
At the hospital after 6pm - 243/143 (the winner). :blink:
At the hospital 10 minutes ago - 170/120.
Been given couple of tablets which name I forgot as soon as nurse said it.
Still at the hospital.
Oh and according to a nurse I have no veins as it took her 3 times to finally find a suitable vein. ^_^ :scratch:
Trouble at work!


Leg End Member
Work is actually easy peasy after I've been removed from my usual place to another. Love every bit of it and as it's 2 people site my colleague is a very nice person. So stress at work simply isn't a reason because there's no stress if that's what you mean.
I think that's heritage kicking in.
More you having your blood pressure and blood taken in the hospital.


Leg End Member
More flat hunting today. I took the train to Hechingen, which is lovely and my goodness, why isn't that castle on every travel website in the world?

Then I cycled back to get a feel for the region and see where may be a practical place to live and commute to work.

I quickly decided Hechingen, despite the aforementioned loveliness, won't work, as it's on the Mother of All Hills, the better for warding off marauders and cyclists, and the edge of a river valley. As said river goes to the Danube, there's another murderous hill before reaching the Steinbach valley, whose river runs to the Neckar and thence to the Rhine. Then there were more lumps, which the cycleway took great pleasure in going up and down... and up again.

When this all finally calmed down, and I found several other very pretty towns that would be famous anywhere but Germany, I declared that the limit of the search area and will place adverts in the local newspaper asking about apartments.

It was tough, but it had to be done...
Not a fan of hills!


Oh and according to a nurse I have no veins as it took her 3 times to finally find a suitable vein. ^_^ :scratch:
Its more scary when they cannot take your pulse.
Nominally hotter than yesterday but it took a climb up and descend down whereas yesterday was hot largely throughout.
Ebike had an evening outing to Lidl and no.undue noises from drive side. Its pedal etc had had a good dozing of GT85 where it mattered, cleaned the chain and demucked the sprocket.
Getting a touch one bike width only on a cycle route pass the High School due to extent of thistles and nettles etc.
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