Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from under the clear blue skies of sunny Suffolk. Coffee has been had and yet another silly offer for something I have for auction on Ebay has been refused.
Once I've finally got up and had something for breakfast, I need to pop out and get a few snacks to see me through Monday & Tuesday's travels up north & back. After that it's a day of enjoying the sunshine either in the back garden or out and about.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Rather mixed day started sunny but then cloudy and a bit colder before sun came out and it got hot in the afternoon.
Down to the chemist at 0930 and nowhere to park so I just double parked outside the shop. Two cars with no blue badges in the blue badge spaces.
Up to my garden after lunch to rearrange some rubbish and take some down nearer the house for taking to the dump.
Decided to shift my ICE recumbent to a different shed as it was obstructing access to my tools. The door of the other shed is narrow so had to get it in sideways.
Once finished a neighbours's young labrador somehow got past my garden gate but I could not shut the gate until he was out. He thought this was a great game and ran round in circles so I could not catch him and he would not go out but eventually I managed.

Typical Labrador dog behavior.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Breakfast out was good
Time for a cuppa
Bird and hog food supplies re stocked


Legendary Member
It's a busy day out there. Having been to Lidl I carried on to Felixstowe seafront to see what was going on. I had to filter past the queue of traffic heading in the same direction and the place is packed. Even the pay and display car parks were almost full at 11:30. 20+ motorhomes parked up in the usual place alongside the prom plus about the same amount on the cliff top car park as well.

If I go out again later I'm heading in the other direction!


The park maffia are doing the open air cinema in the park again. Which is fine but if they turn the volume done a tiny bit, we'd just get a bit of back round sound. Instead we are getting every word of it , and the really annoying women on the PA who try and whips up every one into a frenzy. The whole place is rammed with cars which show it's not locals turning up and like everything else. They put on it's yummy mummies only. it's only film one to more to go wont be don't till about 9 tonight. Won't be walking Charlie round as it was total mad house last year when I tried.
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