Mundane News

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Lights Out!!

Are they supposed to be able to do that?


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Leafy Surrey
Have returned with photos of the Rueben crop. I used to think of blackberries as a September crop- am i wrong? Anyway, it's been August for years.

And thus year it's earlier still; started in the second week of July!

Interesting flavour; almost like apple juice, and MUCH less tart than from brambles. They're supposed to have more sugar than strawberries (which isnt saying much , aren't lemons the same?). If i can get my a##e into gear, i'll try making a hedgerow wine.

We've taken the net off our trampoline, so you can now bounce/munch/bounce/munch



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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mixed up day with sunny spells but not feeling too bright so spent most of the day indoors.
Went up to the top garden and shut the gate but not gone far before the neighbour's Labrador appeared behind me. Due to overgrowth of a bay tree on one side and out of control shrubs on the other I was able to contain him and discovered how he managed it as he went off again by squeezing under the gate. Never thought it possible.
As a short term deterrent I got some weed control fabric and stapled a strip on the bottom of the gate weighed down by a bit of wood. It should work.
We are warned that next wednesday West Highland Week yotties should be arriving. A lot of boats and in the past a lot of trouble when I had a boat on a mooring.
I had a St Andrew flag on my workshop which I had to remove as it got stolen three years in succession. The hoist was secured 12 ft above ground level but they still managed to get it down. All sorts of small stuff went missing if left lying about as was normal.
There may have been an element of opportunist theft by some not connected with the event as they reckoned WHW would be blamed.
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