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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Well, still sat outside pretending it's summer. Tunes on, Olympic Opening Ceremony on laptop.

Blooming house cat wants out. Spot the two Ragdolls. One happy in the run, one wants to come and sit with me in garden..
Oh! another question, probably @Classic knows this.

I do not want to get into the realm of politics on this thread. How do I find out why the Rwanda scheme cost £700 million? Allowing for £20 million that was given to Rwanda, what was the rest spent on? Legal fees?

Freedom of Information request to the relevant government department.


Leg End Member
Ahhh, the joys of living in the countryside ~ except at hay harvest time, when it's tractorgeddon. Backwards and forwards, day & night. I don't mind really though, being well used to it now after nearly twenty five years up here. Nice cool breeze up at the moment too.
Be grateful there's some mechanisation in the job now. I've turned and trammed fields, by hand, that were cut by horse-drawn mower.
Got back in the house, having walked back, gone midnight more than once knowing full well I'd be back out in a few hours time.
Rather enjoying the opening ceremony. It's refreshingly different. Shame about the hissing rain.

My cat fancy friends are slagging it off over on the Book of Faces.
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