Mundane News

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Yayyyyyyyyyy! I finally have a new fridge freezer!

Good job I bolted my luncheon in a hurry, as they turned up nearly half an hour early. Two lovely young chaps (who turned down the offer of a :cuppa: and biskit) that did everything professionally and without fuss. Both the old fridge and freezer have gone for recycling, as has the packaging. Kudos to John Lewis.

Will turn it on in the morning (have been advised to leave it for a minimum of 4 hours before turning it on), and then I can go and retrieve the remainder of my stuff from a friend's fridge and freezer tomorrow evening.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Now that the Games main event is more or less over the sun has appeared. Very frustrating for the organisers as attendance and therefor ticket money will be down.
Interesting watching the traffic jams at the T junction just along from my house as there is no vehicle access to the games field and a large notice advises no further by car. There are several advance warning notices but they never pay attention to them. They then have to turn round or divert but traffic coming the other way is doing the same.:rolleyes:

Next event is Bunessan Agricultural Show on 2nd August which is 55 miles away but we went to it every year as it was the nicest of all the shows we attended. Met many old friends and had a great day out even if it was a longish drive back on single track roads. I may even make an attempt to go this year if the weather looks good and I feel ok.

Fell asleep after lunch and wakened to find a parcel inside my door and I had heard nothing. I was warned a birthday present was on it's way but no idea what to expect. Turned out to be a food parcel but not just any old food.
This comes from Inverawe Smokery with all sorts of luxuries. DIL has excelled herself again. Even the packaging is not cheap.
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Someone's not getting the point that I don't want to apply for a job they're pestering me to apply for. It's half my current salary in a worse institution and I'd lose any benefit that I've gained from my current 22 year role.

Sounds promising then ! :whistle:


The proposal is for franchising not direct control. Its already happened in Manchester where the services have been put out to the cheapest tenderer who meets the specification. The fares and timetables are set centrally but the day to day operations are on the hands of First, Go-Ahead etc.

I know that , as with many things it's always assumed by one lot of clowns that clowns down the pole can do a better job. If they really want better buses and trains to name two. Why not let communities get together and set up co-operatives to run the thing. They use the service and really know what local needs are. Or trun them into employee owned co-operatives. Or set them up as CIC's, a model that's been proving NHS services for years and works well.
Oh I like kittens . Our cats chose some strange places to have them. On top of a coal heap in the coal shed, in amongst some rhubarb. The main place was in the shed on old newspapers.

Don't get me wrong, I *love* kittens. Who doesn't? :wub: I had Madam Poppy as a kitten, and she was a little terror, but insanely cute with it. Madam Pearl took her under her wing and it was such fun to watch.

It's just that a kitten isn't the right option for me here right now. Otherwise I'd not be dealing with this whole nightmare of trying to find a suitable middle-aged cat.


The delayed hospital appointment meant the planned trip into Asda on the way back didn't happen. Wanted a couple of packs of potato croquettes. Turned very sticky and I decided as I still had the valid day ticket to use the bus. As it turned out that was all I bought and with a £1 voucher to use the total cost of a £1 it would have been an expensive use of the ebikes battery.
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