Mundane News

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pleasant dreams



good swimming today no sharks


tent/bungalow camping at the tip of the cape
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Sun is out so made a nice early morning walk. 1st :cuppa: then off to town early well it's still nice and cool.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I went out for a ride with my friends this evening . It was a bit of a struggle and I was getting a bit p****d off until we stopped at a bridge over a river and spotted an Otter swimming around.

Otters are not popular locally here after massacring a lot of hens and ducks even tho' they were apparently securely locked up.
Touroid love them of course but they only see one side.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Change in the weather so while not currently raining it has been recently and the wind has picked up a bit.

Highland Games day today so the wind should keep the midges down.
Seems a lack of enthusiasm as apart from posters there seems to be no obvious preparation.
The whole concept has changed of course and what we have now is totally artificial. From the heavy events like caber tossing to the wee girls with their fanatically competitive mothers who do the so called highland dancing it is nearly all semi professional.
In the recent past, say 30 years ago, the whole town shut down for Games Day and everybody local went to either compete or support the events. The beer tent did good business as well.
Now nothing shuts and it is business as usual and the imported events are to entertain the touroid. There are a few token local things like children's races but the adult events, even the hill race is dominated by outsiders.

Similar things happen also at the nearest Agricultural Show where the town shut down and most went to meet with friends for a day out [and patronise the beer tent.] Nowadays nothing shuts.
Sadly the old traditions are all gradually vanishing as incomers dominate and they have no interest or knowledge of such things.
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