Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a nicely warming Suffolk where it's been a bit of a cloudy start to the day. The first coffee of the day has just been had and there's a bowl of porridge waiting to go into the microwave once the milk has soaked in a bit more.

Simply because I can, today will be a nice little 50 mile bike ride to build up an appetite for lunch and a couple of drinks before getting the train home.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well
Started to shred approx 4 years worth of paperwork our compost bin is nearly full rest has gone in the green recycling bin.


Buses behaved themselves to find myself in the hospital 30 minutes early and a sign saying they are running 45 minutes late already:sad: The free day ticket actually was recognised by the ticket machines this time. Next to quiz a driver on what day ticket it actually is, suspect its not valid to Leeds.

All will be well when local government run the buses. After all they do a great job of every thing else.


All will be well when local government run the buses. After all they do a great job of every thing else.

The proposal is for franchising not direct control. Its already happened in Manchester where the services have been put out to the cheapest tenderer who meets the specification. The fares and timetables are set centrally but the day to day operations are on the hands of First, Go-Ahead etc.


After the hour late hospital appointment I walked to the bus station as it was quicker than waiting. Indeed the bus I would have caught was late so I would gave only just made the connection. Have to go back tomorrow to be relieved of some of red stuff again and then on Tuesday to discuss some new tablets they want to try me on. No cycling this weekend then should the weather permit such. Good job work class it as a permitted reason not to be working without taking leave.
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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Our lawn grass in the evening is covered with slugs.

Blame @Reynard and her trebuchet :whistle:
Warm and sunny, but it is now clouding over.

Slept well, monthly is over but still feel tired and stressed. But the new fridge freezer is being delivered this afternoon, so hopefully that will be one less thing to worry about. The only potential hiccup is that the old fridge and freezer are stacked on top of each other, but both are cleaned out and dry, so should be easy enough to move, I hope.

Anyways, I have done a load of laundry, and it is hanging outside, and I have moved the saw horse and wood bin from under the utility room porch, and I have also swept the utility room (magnet for sawdust) and the path, and have removed the rugs from the floor. That way there won't be any impediment for the trolley thing.

Need to make sure Madam Lexi is in the house, so that she doesn't climb into the delivery van.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon. An early one today to make sure I'm ready.
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