Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I’ve given up on looking at weather forecast.Last nigh the forecast was for heavy rain .This morning fine tilll 2 P M We we’re in Norfolk a week ago forecast for the week was rain every day.The only rain we had was late evening
If I plan a day of gardening and it’s not raining I get on with what I’ve planned.If it rains I stop.

What dose not get done today can wait till tomorrow.
It's a grey day here chez Casa Reynard after a foggy overnight and a sunny start. And it's just started raining. To cap it all, it's St Swithin's day. Oh joy... NOT!

Sleep was not brilliant as I had to keep getting up to use the little girls' room. So I am not feeling terribly stellar today either. I have some correspondence to sort out, and I will do some writing. That will be the sum of today's doings, I think.

I do not need to cook, as there are enough things in the fridge for a bitsas supper.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
If I go out with the car I need to shift the bin from that **** holiday house again. I am really fed up jamming it back against their gate as they feel leaving the gate free is more important than blocking our cars.
No point in speaking to them as the tenants change weekly so they mostly don't care and besides I would probably be rather bad tempered and rude about their parentage.

You could just drive off and pretend you didn't see it.
It seems like a long time since anything came home...
My memories of our last (men's) footballing victory in 1966 was of being on Brighton beach, during a Youth Hostelling trip, and listening to the World Cup final on my tranny!

(For those younger readers or those of a nervous disposition, that's what we called a transistor radio 📻)

I didn't take any notice of it at the time . I can remember playing with those black and white plastic footballs afterwards.


Legendary Member
The forecast for heavy afternoon rain showers appears to have been wrong in using the plural. Other than that it's been a grey and gloomy day despite the sunny start and I did get out for a couple of hours of exercise. Since then I've had a relaxing afternoon of listening to the radio and doing a bit of reading.
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