Mundane News

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Legendary Member
...Is everyone ready for a day of overblown hype followed by an evening of crushing disappointment

It appears that it isn't coming home...
Quelle surprise


Legendary Member
Quite chilly at Snetterton in the breeze for the first race then thick cloud cover for the second. Inbetween the two for the ride across to Thetford and a bit of shopping it was short sleeve top & shorts weather (glad I had the Endura trousers with zip off legs on). The Great British Summer continues.

Time for a cold cerveza.
Isn't it funny that I recognised an actor in 2 different detective series by his fat legs? That was before I saw his face. The chap was in an episode of Lewis and later in Van Der Valk. I haven't a clue who the actor was .
Ah well, two further attempts at finding an Assistant SuPURRviser have fallen by the wayside.

First, a cat I was really interested in that a friend is fostering for a breed rescue has ended up being a basked case healthwise - namely that she has a high grade heart murmur meaning that it's too risky for her to be put under anaesthetic in order to deal with some chronic issues that would otherwise be an easy fix. And of course, the heart issue means that she's a ticking time bomb. Realistically, I can't take on a cat like that, given that it will be impossible to take out insurance for her.

Second is that on Friday night, a different friend flagged up a BSH that was looking for a home. Registered my interest with the owner within minutes of the advert being posted. We had a chat about things, and then total silence since. Turns out the cat was rehomed yesterday. I mean it's not like a "thank you for your interest but we've found the perfect home for her" message would have taken a lot, instead of leaving me hanging and wondering what the blazes was going on.

I was, however, offered another cat today, but while she's very nice, I'm not sure she's right for me. Yes, she ticks a lot of boxes in terms of what I'm looking for, but there are also some negatives that I can't ignore. At least in this case, I have plenty of time to decide, so I can think things through at my own pace. She and another cat are in temporary fosterage with the friend I go dog walking with while their owner is in hospital. Although while the owner does want to rehome the cats, there is no guarantee this is going to happen.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
At around 6pm I drove past a queue of about 300 waiting to get into the Fox and Firkin, which is a beer hall of a pub. Suddenly, they all broke into song. Because there was a passing bus. The bus, a 199, terminated at Bellingham. The song, Hey Jude.

I'd heard of it happening with the 47, which also terminate there. But I've now seen it.

It will be interesting to see how long this singing at buses thing continues....
At around 6pm I drove past a queue of about 300 waiting to get into the Fox and Firkin, which is a beer hall of a pub. Suddenly, they all broke into song. Because there was a passing bus. The bus, a 199, terminated at Bellingham. The song, Hey Jude.

I'd heard of it happening with the 47, which also terminate there. But I've now seen it.

It will be interesting to see how long this singing at buses thing continues....

o/~ the wheels on the bus go round and round... o/~ :crazy:
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