Mundane News

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Smashing afternoon - noticed this morning a big side hole in the plastic end to the metal leg to my glass coffee table. Decided swop the end part with one off a nest of matching tables, but the part off the nest would not thread properly and got jammed solid. Flip, started dismantling the coffee table and the undershelf shattered . Thankfully the lounge has a wooden floor so the clean was relatively easy. Think I will see if the nest of tables will act as a replacement as they sit to one side doing nothing most of the time.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Ooh! I like Aero's! :whistle:


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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A friend of mine's brother has got Lymes disease from a tick bite. He got it in his garden on a housing estate. You wouldn't think of getting bitten in your garden.

I have picked up ticks in my garden. Used to come from red deer who came in every night but since I managed to stop them I suspect cats as the most common small animal tho’ I may have hedgehogs who have lots of ticks very often.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hot sunny day so I sat in my garden and fell asleep. I hate sleeping during the day as I do not feel refreshed and it takes ages before I feel reasonable again.
Today was Morvern Agricultural Show.
It restarted a few years ago and we went a couple of times to sell and have a day out. Friendly small show then but they were not very well organised in some respects. My wife went off to look for toilets and came back having found a small tent set up and according to her it had an elsan which she said was self emptying — over the top. :ohmy:
Kilchoan show was weird. We had been invited to go but some of the locals were very resentful of our presence and one parked his motorbike in the middle of our stand.
I complained to the organiser and shortly after heard a loud altercation before he came back and removed it with no comment.
The best thing at many shows was the terrier racing. They were worked into a frenzy before the start and went off like rockets chasing a lure. Some did not know how to stop either and the owners had a job chasing them down.:laugh:
I have picked up ticks in my garden. Used to come from red deer who came in every night but since I managed to stop them I suspect cats as the most common small animal tho’ I may have hedgehogs who have lots of ticks very often.

Apparently deer were seen in a field nearby. I think we had a deer one year by the footprints left in the snow. Single file.
It's been a warmish and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, but a day that kept threatening rain following the nocturnal deluge.

Slept well and slept in, but feel achy, bloated and a bit grumpy. I have had a bit of a kitchen day, and have a big pot of veggie tikka masala (cannellini beans, red lentils, courgette, sweet pepper and butternut squash) on the go in the crock pot. I've just put the rice cooker on. Was a good way of using up two more cans - one beans, one tomato - from my stash of dented cans.

If I spot cans of tomatoes, beans or other pulses in the green bins on YS because they're sented, then I'll always take them at a fraction of the cost. Only thing is, they do need to be used sooner rather than later, and yep, it does help to open them inside a plastic bag LOL!

I did manage to listen to the final set in the ladies' Wimbledon final while sat out in the sun. I did contemplate going on a bicycular bimble, but it then clouded over again and thought it wise to not venture forth. I did go on a Slug Hunt however, but that only yielded a total of twenty two.
Fabby supper of aforementioned veggie tikka masala and some basmati rice. :mrpig:

Put a clean tablecloth on the dining room table after a nectarine-based accident at lunchtime.


Legendary Member
As hoped for, a much quieter and relaxed day. Stuck a load of washing in the machine and left it to do its thing while I went shopping. Such a grey & miserable morning that the only people in the Felixstowe sea front area were mostly taking cover from the wind in shelters or cafes while those anywhere near the beach were wrapped up in winter jackets.

By the middle of the afternoon the sun started to make fleeting appearances and there was even a bit of warmth so I took myself off for an hour's stroll while sort of listening to the final set of the ladies final on the radio. As a reward for being good, I've just had one of those little Mars Bar type things that Aldi do.
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