Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I've fallen badly behind with mundane news. Did I miss anything important?
That's what happens when you have to work. Glad I don't have that problem
I put the recycling bin out front a few minutes ago if that's of any importance;.
A day of sunshine interspersed with some absolutely biblical rain showers here chez Casa Reynard.

Which is why I did almost diddly squat. Watched the F1, some TdF and some tennis. Had intended on a bike ride, but decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Five minutes later, the heavens opened again.

Today's task of note was picking up about half a gallon of slugs.

If anyone wonders just how many slugs equate to half a gallon, it's 335.

Watched the Guy Martin Lancaster bomber thing, which I found absolutely fascinating.
A day of sunshine interspersed with some absolutely biblical rain showers here chez Casa Reynard.

Which is why I did almost diddly squat. Watched the F1, some TdF and some tennis. Had intended on a bike ride, but decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Five minutes later, the heavens opened again.

Today's task of note was picking up about half a gallon of slugs.

If anyone wonders just how many slugs equate to half a gallon, it's 335.

Watched the Guy Martin Lancaster bomber thing, which I found absolutely fascinating.

I was there in 2008 (in the rain) when Lewis got his first Silverstone win. So pleased for him today.
a friendly neighbor passed away today. we weren't able to say goodbye to her. if you're out there. you won't be forgotten :angel:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
31deg again today but it doesn’t seem we will be bringing it back home on Thursday 😢

Last time I was in Malta I was on a family friend's boat heading for a little island off Gozo for a beach BBQ and 'wine tasting session' and my sunglasses fell off my face into the sea..
If they, perchance, have washed up onto the beach yet, could you bring them back to blighty, please 👍
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