Mundane News

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1st day back at work today after a 2 week break. then again at the main job tomorrow


Thunder? actually bright sun. Decided a looming yoghurt shortage needed resolving and after a browse of prices on the trolley app the ebike thought it was Saturday as off to Waitrose it went. The sun had now been replaced by menancing clouds My very quick shop clearly confused a Labrador tied up outside which then started pinning for its owner. Stayed dry.


We have a lot of customers who buy books, read them, and then donate them back.
That's one thing I definitely do; once a book is no longer of use to me, it goes to our local charity shop for someone else to enjoy and the charity makes a bit as well. :okay:


Just had my delivery of DE razor blades form Amazon. I was out front trimming the hedge at the time.
The Amazon driver asked me for my DOB; fair enough with razor blades as the system hadn't ask for age verification, but then he'd assumed that as I was outside our house that I was the addressee. I could have been a handyman / gardener / neighbour.
Hmm. :whistle:


Leg End Member
Just had my delivery of DE razor blades form Amazon. I was out front trimming the hedge at the time.
The Amazon driver asked me for my DOB; fair enough with razor blades as the system hadn't ask for age verification, but then he'd assumed that as I was outside our house that I was the addressee. I could have been a handyman / gardener / neighbour.
Hmm. :whistle:
I'd a delivery driver hand a parcel to another delivery driver who'd just walked out of a property over the road.
The proof of delivery photo showed the parcel being handed over. The attempted delivery card said to arrange a new delivery time/date. Which is how I got to see the photo.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Showers of rain so did not get out on the trike as intended but went for a walk instead on a secluded forest road. The entry from the main road has a sign saying “ Authorised Vehicles Only “ as well as a dead end sign but since it leads to my wildlife pal’s place I am authorised.
We often cycled up here to where the road ended until somebody got the bright idea of putting crushed scallop shells on the road surface. This experiment did not go down well with cyclists as the sharp edges of the shells shredded tyres.
I noticed that at my pal’s house one pair of swallows had nested again under the eaves. No sign of the ones which nested in his garage. This area is a bit marshy so will prove a good feeding area for them.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I pleased to see that the plan to send people to Rwanda has been scrapped. Rwanda had a episode of genocide about twenty years ago.

Some time ago the President of Rwanda had said that he would send the money back if required. I guess he has now spent it all, and we will not see any of that £20 Million or more.

20 years ago?

So what are you suggesting is done with the invaders?

Shame you're raising a political thread.
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