Mundane News

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Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to bed I go...

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light cloud sort of day with hazy sunshine but stiil a chance of rain according to the forecast.
Must make the effort to get out on the trike even for a short blast.
I find weekends are a problem for some inexplicable reason. They are just the same as weekdays as nothing much closes nowadays.
When we had a shop we always closed on Sunday just for a day of rest rather than religion.
I notice a neighbour has put up his gazebo cover so must be expecting sunshine.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
morning zwift session done


Legendary Member
Good morning from a mostly grey, but at least dry for the moment corner of Suffolk. A late night and a decent night's sleep means that the first coffee of the day has only just been finished.
I am determined to get out for a while today, even if it's just to do a bottle bank and shopping ride, having spent the past two or three days mostly indoors. Breakfast first though.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Billy no-mates this wekend. Wife away on Anglesey with the 'wild swimming group', daughter at boyfriends and son camping at Black Rock Sands.

I cleared all the kitchen cupboards and re-organised them as well as a deep clean of the oven - nearly gassed myself with Mr Muscle Oven cleaner.

Despite being just me I am cooking up a full roast beef dinner. We can all eat it tomorow evening too.

Plus side is I have the TV to myself, so TDF afternoon.
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