Mundane News

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Grey and soggy here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept in (that felt good!). And in case @Jenkins needs any help in his decision about duvets, I slept MUCH better with an extra fleece throw on the bed and dressed in a baggy t-shirt as opposed to my birthday suit.

Today's plans are to a) wash my hair, b) arrange for a re-delivery / self-collection of a package and c) see if the AO website will let me order a fridge freezer after my bank-induced card shenanigans last week. Other than that, I am feeling spectacularly lazy.

It is just about time for luncheon, so I suppose I had better go and put the kettle on.
I don't think he's any worse than any other politician, they're just better at hiding it. I see we now have a justice secretary who goes on free Palestine marches, for example.

As a woman, I think I'll have to say that I'll agree to disagree with that assessment of Trump. This is not a man I would like to be alone in a room with - not unless I am wearing a full suit of plate and armed with a morning star.


Hong Kong
I've just had a late evening convo with Charlie, a Canadian born Hong Konger who runs the bike shop I use, and a new steed will be with me in late August/September.

It's taking a bit longer as I'll be away from HK until mid-August, back in Scotland, and it takes a bit longer to get a bike that fits me due to my height (6ft3). He also insists I go through a bike fitting/sizing due to my size.

I don't do much outdoor cycling in July and August anyway, as it's way too hot (indoor trainer, Zwift and air conditioning take over at this time) so September will be perfect as it starts to cool down at that time.

Can't wait. :hyper:


Sedum planted after much excavation finding endless, submerged in soil, plum slate chippings. Supervised at times by Ollie, the local almost snowshoe cat that is now adopting the breeds likeness of people more so having been grabbed by sheepdog in the week, the second time a dog has taken him. As such has taken to hiding in shrubbery when no one is about.
Rain further delayed.
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Leg End Member


Means I have more cupboard space for books!
That's another thing. I've limited space for books now, so I have to be careful whenever I go into bookshop or a charity shop - ! :laugh:
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