Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Yes you can but it more fun when you know personally the returning officer.
Ours got in to a bit of trouble whilst driving in Scotland.
He knows me.
Room for expansion at a later date, as and when required. Possibly without having to buy a second one.

That's a bit misty optic :laugh:

Ring binder is the easiest solution, and I've several spares knocking about, but they're just a bit clumsy for the task in hand.

I do have a trip to Cambridge in the offing as I want to go to Decathlon for a new pair of walking boots. So I'll check in some of the stationers that cater for academia, as I'm likely to find what I need in there.


New sign up at the local polling stations, "Assistance Dogs Only".
Too many "accidents" leaving cleaning up to be done?

Be hard to police given you’re not allowed to ask. If I did still vote in person mine would still be going in they’ve got to know all our dogs over the years.
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