Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It is grey here and a bit cooler than yesterday.
That MP who bet on losing his seat must be suffering from what I've got! I've now lost my cloth cap! Cornwall I lost my gold ring and now Yorkshire I have lost my cap! :angry:

You haven't been anywhere near Ilkley Moor, have you?


Legendary Member
Is it just a service prompt on the dash? Mine says it needs a service . I ignore it as I did it myself. There are some OBDR's which can reset them .
I don't want to pay out £400 for the garage just to do an oil change which they will probably suck out via the dipstick! Spark plugs seem to go on for ages these days and at their price I should Bl **Dy well hope so. I was pressured into letting the garage do a service previously, the car had only 12,000 miles on the clock and had only done 1,000 miles since the last one . They did change the pollen filter as well but when I discovered all the service was was to do an oil change and video the underneath of my car I wasn't impressed!

There's usually a way of cancelling it I think. On the Fabia I had there was a sequence to do with holding in the buttons to set the clock from what I remember. Google will tell you.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet and windy.
I thought Calmac had been a bit quiet on the text front recently and then discovered my 6 months were up and I needed to renew. Got wakened as usual by texts pinging in giving disruption warnings.

Oban is chaos this morning.
RTC just out of town and the A85 is closed as they wait for a police team from Glasgow. Forecast to be most of the day and there is another traffic incident in the town.
The "back road" to Connel was available to those who cottoned on early but this is a single track and is reported now at a complete standstill due to volume of traffic trying to go both ways.
The alternative would be Inveraray/Lochgilphead which is a long way.

I am off down soon to do battle with Calmac to try to get on a ferry for a hospital appointment in Glasgow. Such appointments take a minimum of 3 days if all goes well but otherwise could be 5 days if I cannot get to Oban via Craignure.
I've just been sent my remaining holiday days/overtime by my company, so we know how much I need to use up before Sept 30th. Depending on whether they've included my booked holiday in September in their calculations, My last day is either Aug the 22nd or the 9th.

Bearing in mind my rather interesting relationship with numbers I'm going to have to get this confirmed, but but it seems I have between 11 and 19 working days left here, which is a heck of a lot less than I was expecting.


Leg End Member
Your border force has placed 20 miles of road works to discourage any visitors. Even the workers doing the job seem to have also been discouraged as I saw only a few of them working. I think in actual fact they were getting councelling from fellow workers as they were just chatting!
That's what they want you to think they're doing, and of seems to have worked. Yet again.
They are in fact the YBP taking down the numberplates of every passing vehicle. Yours included.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mission kind of accomplished and bookings made but not for the dates or times I wanted. Only sailings available out are a day earlier than wanted and return is two days later as the days I wanted have only stupid o’clock in the morning available which would mean getting up far too early for me and no frozen food shopping.
A motorhome which projects out into the carriageway at a narrow bit seems to have taken up residence as it has been there for three days now. Could not park at the chemist as there was no space even just after nine o’clock and the coop lorry could not get in to unload either until some cars were removed.
Just normal life here now.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very warm but cloud covered corner of Suffolk. The first coffee of the day has been had along with a dark chocolate covered Hobnob.
Today is bedding changing day, possibly with the vacuuming to be done as well - got to make sure the carpets are clean ahead of them being replaced next week ^_^
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