Mundane News

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Legendary Member
My ex had a couple of friends come to visit ( Their 1st time in Leicester) and they went on about 'The Castle', stumped us for a bit until we worked out they meant Welford Rd. Prison.

There have been many in the past.
Can you ask the weather people to look kindly onMrsp and next week .We’re off to Hunstanton for five days and the weather forecast doesn’t look brilliant☔☔☔


Legendary Member
Ailsa Craig is shrouded in mist. Better leave a bad review on Tripadvisor. Views not what was expected!

Must be a dammed big potato 🥔
A less hot and less sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, and a decidedly blustery one.

I did not sleep well - it was just too hot and sticky. I have not done overly much today other than water my planters and work on some writing. The remainder of today's agenda is more of the same. I am re-writing the second half of the chapter I was working on when I had to put the novel aside to give priority to other projects.

Have not yet ordered my fridge freezer. Well, I *did* order it last night before I went to bed, but for some reason*, my bank stopped the payment and blocked my card. So I've been getting that sorted. Order cancelled, bank card unblocked, and I shall try again this afternoon. I mean really, the universe is having FAR too much fun at my expense...

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.

* probably the fact that is was a substantial sum coughed up in the wee hours of the morning when most people are asleep.


Getting to grips with an AirCon with no instructions, we’ll get there or it’s going to be switched off.


On a recent visit to Manchester I could see what I thought was a minaret near the hotel - that turned out to be one of the Strangeways prison towers!

Use to see that every day from the window of our student kitchen on the top floor when I lived in halls.
Mrs 73 was offered the the head of health care post but had already taken up on offer of post she's moving to next month.
It's now HMP Manchester having been renamed after the 1990 riot. If conditions had not been so bad and the culture not so poor would not have kicked off. The tower is actually a ventilation tower and like much of the prison is grade II listed.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Successfully checked in now with bike and with my wallet a tenner lighter. I thought they might have waived the fee considering the confusion was caused by their own booking system not working properly and their customer service people not answering their phones.

I was tempted to proceed as foot passenger with hand luggage but knowing my luck, they'd have an excess baggage fee and I'd be back to square one.

Bikes are free on Calmac but they make noises about restricted numbers. I think I read somewhere that somebody somewhere had their travel restricted but no idea of the circumstances and never heard of it happening here. Not so far tried a trike tho’ my local booking office says if it is manually propelled it is free. I have seen e bikes going aboard with no obvious problems.

Edit. Manually includes leg power of course.
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