Mundane News

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Leg End Member
The nights don’t start drawing in until Monday, mornings started drawing in last Monday.* Solstice was last night at 21.50

*For middle of Britain latitudes.
One second shorter today than yesterday.


By mistake bought some Cotswold chipppings yesterday when it was white limestone needed.
However the Cotswold looks better forward of the plants at the bottom right of the garden so the limestone at front of the plants raked up and deposited to the previously wood chipped (and now seemingly largely vanished) raised bottom left where the surface finish is not immediately apparent. Trip for some more Cotswold needed; local.nursery has bags at £5.99, 3 for £15 which is somewhat cheaper than Travis Perkins, B&Q etc
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
To add insult to injury, the light in the utility room fridge has stopped working.

Now I don't know whether that is because the light is fubared, or whether it's actually the fridge that is ALSO now fubared as a result of the water peeing out of the freezer. I can't feel the motor running, but everything is still cold / frozen. Have checked the socket (swapped fridge over with washing machine) and the washing machine turns on, so it's not the socket.

Will call the aforementioned friend when she gets home from work and see about blagging that fridge / freezer space sooner as opposed to later. I suspect the situation may now also need another cull and tip run to dispose of the items with the lowest priority in order to make sure I can fit everything in. without imposing too much on the friend's storage space.

The universe is having entirely too much fun at my expense.

When we moved here I bought myself a smallish chest freezer so I could freeze my pies. I thought I'd never fill it, but it's now perpetually full and not with my pies.
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