Mundane News

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I woke up suddenly this morning and don't think my brain cells have got themselves into order yet! :wacko:

I didn't have a very good day with my Tissot Seastar yesterday. The battery I had been waiting for arrived so I was about to fit it when I discovered that the winder had seized! I then lost a tiny screw for the battery clamp which went ping from my tweezers followed by another one ! :ohmy: I have looked on the floor but couldn't see them. I think I will try to make a sweeper using a steel rule and a magnet to see if They turn up.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sun is currently shining which is contrary to the forecast.
Got an email that I definitely have a postal vote which appeared on my phone but has now vanished into the ether. Need to search for it as a reply of some sort is expected I think.
Bed is stripped so I have to do battle later with the duvet which is a job I hate. Either that or dig out an old sleeping bag which is not a good idea.


Leg End Member
Had the right knee operated on in '89. They marked the leg with a light reddish dye, then they noticed the left arm had already been marked/dyed. Explained it hadn't and that it was just a birthmark. So they wrote "This One!" on the leg, with an arrow pointing to the knee. Doesn't do much for you when there's a chance the surgeon doesn't know an arm from a leg.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Had the right knee operated on in '89. They marked the leg with a light reddish dye, then they noticed the left arm had already been marked/dyed. Explained it hadn't and that it was just a birthmark. So they wrote "This One!" on the leg, with an arrow pointing to the knee. Doesn't do much for you when there's a chance the surgeon doesn't know an arm from a leg.

I had a duff kidney removed and it was carefully marked out the previous day. Some unlucky soul a few years later and a different surgeon had his good kidney removed by mistake. :eek:


Doesn't do much for you when there's a chance the surgeon doesn't know an arm from a leg.

Possible BMW driver.

Sunny and hot, no gentle warm up this year to get acclimatised. More gardening before the mothership arrived to service the garden wheelie bin. Seem to have misplaced a gardening glove, wonder where that could have gone...
More washing hung out including a pair of grotty decorating etc jeans in the hope a few marks may have come out.
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