Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
After getting all of my marks in for exam boards later this month I'm relieved as it's been more stressful than usual for a couple of un-typable reasons.

So ... I'm prepping for tomorrow's Belvoir Retro Ride in the Vale of Belvoir, where I'll be hoping to use the Woodrup but will also have the recently acquired Pug Tourmalet.

Also, son no. 2's racing nearby in the Ronde van Wymeswold. It's a national B level 2-day 3 stage race with Saint Piran and a load of others at international level. He's got a support crew for him and others from his university but looking at the startlist I'm hoping he doesn't get too battered and enjoys it!
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You can get copper strips that clip together to make a defensive wall around plants to keep slugs and snails out. Not cheap however given the price of copper


Legendary Member
I never did get to Ipswich for the free music stage. Once the carpet measurements had been taken it was time to go shopping - and for a rain shower which delayed my departure for half an hour. While in town I met up with an old work colleague so we had a bit of a catch up which wasted more time. Then I had to sort out the postage of the minidiscs when I got home and saw a heafty downpour passing over Ipswich on the rain radar so just gave up and spent a few minutes fitting my new handlebar grips to the Triban.

As compensation I had sausages, chips & peas and a strong coffee for tea.
Speaking of food though, Tesco's sesame seed Italian bread sticks are just lush! :mrpig:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Fish and chips have been consumed, and Gigi has received a piece of cod for her tireless work of tearing up things around the house. She has passed the thunder test, as we had a great storm around here last evening. She is, however, afraid of fireworks and firecrackers, which means she will probably hide in the house all day on the 4th of July.
The chap doing the measurements for the carpet didn't turn up until nearly 13:00 which gave me a free morning to do a bit of tidying up and clearing out of a few old bits. One thing I found was an unopened pack of Minidiscs (remember them?) which I don't know why I had kept as my player broke and was thrown out at least 10 years ago. Out of interest I stuck them on Ebay and in less than 4 hours they'd been sold and were in the post to the buyer. By the time fees & postage have been accounted for I've only made a tenner, but I didn't realise there was still a market for 'old' tech.

Ooh! I've got some wax cylinders! :whistle:
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