Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way

It's worth a shot.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of sunshine and biblical-grade showers here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well. Spent the morning writing. After a fine lunch of a salami & cheese sandwich, a nectarine, a pear and two :cuppa: I then scanned some stuff that needed scanning. After, I knocked more ice out of the freezer (I think that's about as much as I can remove at the moment), re-filled fruit bowls etc, and then I was forced to go out on Slug Patrol.

I removed THIRTY NINE slugs lurking in the vicinity of my planters and pots within the space of about ten minutes - including catching two in the act of climbing up the wood bins to reach the herb pots, strawberries and the assorted small plants and seedlings, and one in the act of eating an almost-ripe strawberry.

Needless to say, those thirty nine slugs will not be bothering my plants any further.

I have also been booked to steward at the Supreme.

I presume you know to smear grease for couple of inches round the outside diameter of your tubs and pots. Stops slugs and snails getting beyond the greasy bit.


See Estate Agents are still stretching the truth. House same as mine; "two good sized double bedrooms". Um.. front bedroom is 2.33m wide, national space standards have a minimum width of 2.55m.


Leg End Member
So the Govt. in their wisdom have now banned the use of Hexamine tablets. Apparently, for someone with 'some knowledge of chemistry', they could be used to make explosives. So can nitrate fertiliser; is that going to be banned on the same basis I wonder - ?
On the health side, because Hexi tablets contain formaldehyde, there is a small possible health risk if you're exposed to a lot of them or eat too many. :wacko:
But as they've been around for nearly a hundred years, why has this only now come to light - ? :whistle:
Banned last October.
Mamod turned to a gel fuel instead.


Legendary Member
The chap doing the measurements for the carpet didn't turn up until nearly 13:00 which gave me a free morning to do a bit of tidying up and clearing out of a few old bits. One thing I found was an unopened pack of Minidiscs (remember them?) which I don't know why I had kept as my player broke and was thrown out at least 10 years ago. Out of interest I stuck them on Ebay and in less than 4 hours they'd been sold and were in the post to the buyer. By the time fees & postage have been accounted for I've only made a tenner, but I didn't realise there was still a market for 'old' tech.
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